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Devotion: Hold Fast

READ: Philippians 2:12-18

“If we cooperate with Him in loving obedience, God will manifest Himself to us, and that manifestation will be the difference between a nominal Christian life and a life radiant with the light of His face.” —AW Tozer

Let’s think about this text in two parts.  First, instructions for how we ought to live. Second, a description of what the outcome should be. 


Verse 12.  O____________;  work out your ________________ with _____________ and ___________________.

Verse 14.  Do all things without ___________________ or ___________________________.  

Verse 16.  _____________  _______________ to the ___________ _____ __________________. 


Verse 13.  ____________ works in you…..for ____________ good pleasure.

Verse 15.  You may be ______________ and ______________ children of God; without ____________________ in the midst of a crooked and twisted generation among whom you  shine as ____________________ in the ______________. 

What a cool deal.  You concentrate on being obedient, and God is the one who makes you blameless.  You focus on being thankful and doing everything without complaining, and God does the perfecting and gives you a testimony among your friends and family who don’t know Him yet. 

YOU hold fast to the WORD OF GOD, and GOD will HOLD FAST to YOU.  

As you “work out your salvation” in a practical sense, among friends, family and co-workers, God does the heavy lifting of changing you from the inside-out by the work he’s already promised to do IN you. In this way, obedience is an act of faith.  You are stepping out to “obey God” which is something you will never accomplish on your own.   So you are literally trusting God, that God will bless your desire and effort to obey with His Grace and the fruit of His Spirit. 

Here are a few more texts about the spiritual miracle of obedience in faith:  2 Corinthians 10:4-6; Ephesians 6:10-11; Romans 5:19.

Take time to reflect and seek God in prayer. If you haven’t been actively working out your salvation through faith-based obedience, ask God to forgive you and empower you to be 100% His starting now.

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