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Remote Island

Devotion: Fellowship

Is any pleasure on earth as great as a circle of Christian friends by a fire?” -- AW Tozer

Heart Prep: Read 1 John 1:7

  • Yesterday we concentrated on repentance and forgiveness. According to this verse, what does living in a status for forgiveness have to do with fellowship?

  • How would you describe the current role of Christian Fellowship in your life?  

  • What can you do while you are here on Cat Island to increase in the joy God gives you from fellowship with other believers?

Deep Dive: Continue reading verses 8 and 9.

  • How does repentance impact your relationship with God?

  • How does repentance impact your relationship with others?

  • Do you claim you don’t sin? Probably not. But, do you justify sin in your life? Justifying sin is to claim sin is okay.  Does verse 8 apply to a Christian who justifies sin in their life?

You cannot justify sin and confess sin at the same time. Justifying sin always stands in the way of repentance. Is there any recurring sin in your life that you’ve been justifying?  How is this impacting your relationship with God and others?

It is perilously easy to have amazing sympathy with God's truth and remain in sin.-- Oswald Chambers

Application:  Read Acts 2:42-27

  • What did fellowship look like for the believers in the early church?

  • How does the fellowship they had compare with the Christian fellowship in your life?

  • What would you change about your approach to Christian fellowship?

  • What should the fruit of Biblical Christian Fellowship be?

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